Our goal in life is to live a happy and prosperous life. Once in a while, we are faced by unexpected problems and situations such as poor health, illness, accidents, loss in business, and alike.
Have you wondered why these problems come up?
From where do they appear all of a sudden ?
These circumstances are beyond human understanding and control. It is believed that negative forces may affect our good health and good luck. These cosmic negative forces are present around us and and we don't to prevent them to act on us.
One of the amulets that have the power to protect us agains these negative forces is the Star Of David.
The "Star of David" is known in Hebrew as Magen David, which literally means the "shield of David," apparently from the popular notion that the Beloved King of Israel wore this symbol on his shields.
The star of David symbol was used in Israel in Roman times, but it seems to have become associated with Judaism in later centuries.
In the 17th century, it became a popular practice to place the Star of David on the entrance of synagogues.
The name David in Hebrew is made up of three letters "Dalet", "Vav" and "Dalet" and the star contain 6 points. The six-points symbolize that God rules over the universe and protects us from all six directions:
North, South, East, West, Up and Down.
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